Workflow of order and confirmation in EDI4STEEL

Workflow of order and confirmation in EDI4STEEL

The workflow of sending, confirming or changing an order between a customer and a supplier is shown in the accompanying image. Click on it to enlarge.

Once the customer has sent the order, changes to the order or orderlines will only be carried out by the supplier. If the customer wants any further changes, he will contact the supplier. This is to avoid that various versions of the order cause confusion with the supplier or client.

At this moment the possibility for the following changes is being developed for easy2trade users:

  • The delivery date, price and/or quantity can be changed per order line.

  • One or more order lines are cancelled

  • The delivery date for the entire order changes

  • The whole order will be cancelled

At a later stage, for example, the following possibilities could also be considered:

  • Replace in an order line an article for a similar article of a different quality or a differently processed article

  • Replace in an order line two beams with a trade length for one beam of double length


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