Example XML SubmitMessage
Example XML SubmitMessage
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<SubmitMessage xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<!-- Leave this value untouched unless instructed otherwise. -->
<!-- All current message services have the value 'ind-v-1' -->
<!-- This should be changed depending on the payload XML you are sending.
Possible values are:
Invoice-1-1 -->
<!-- This is the receiver GLN. Prefix the GLN with 0088: -->
<!-- Leave this value untouched, it is used to dertemine the party id type -->
<!-- This is you GLN code. Prefix your GLN with 0088: -->
<!-- Leave this value untouched, it is used to dertemine the party id type -->
<!-- This is the actual XML payload content. The receiver will download this trough a http(s) GET. -->
<!-- Currently edi4steel only support sha256 as hash algorithm -->
<!-- This is the encrypted hash of the complete payload. The encryption is based on a private key that belongs to a publicly accessible domain. The corresponding certificate should be generated with a RSA algorithm. -->
<!-- If you provide a hash over the payload you sould leave this at True. Otherwise set this to False. -->
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